During our time in Statesville, we applied to the Far Eastern Gospel Crusade (FEGC) for service overseas. FEGC was organized by ex-GIs who had served in the Philippines and Japan. We told the board that we were willing to go to either the Philippines or Japan where the mission had begun work.
General MacArthur was calling for a thousand missionaries to populate post-war Japan. FEGC asked us to prepare for Japan. I wrote my master's thesis about Japan, and we studied all we could about the Japanese people and culture.
Before we officially began our deputation, our mission board called us and asked if we would be willing to serve in the Philippines. A new Bible school and seminary, FEBIAS, had been started, and they needed teachers. We answered with a resounding "YES"! My heart had remained in the Philippines, having seen the need and having learned to love the Filipinos during the war. I had purposefully avoided pushing to return there, because I had not wanted to make a decision based on emotion.
I was ordained on June 13, 1949, at Oakfield Baptist Church by a council of the General Association of Regular Baptists. We were sent out by Oakfield in April of 1950.