We arrived in the Philippines May 10, 1950. Destroyed and sunken battle ships filled the harbor. Bombed-out buildings and other ravages of war scattered the landscape.
Upon our arrival, it seemed that the Philippines, a Catholic country, was closed to Protestant missions. Had I returned as an American GI who had helped liberate them from the Japanese, I would have been royally welcomed. But since we were returning as missionaries and Bible teachers, we were looked on with understandable suspicion.
We were the fourth couple to arrive on the field with the new FEGC Mission, and they had not yet organized an orientation program or language school. In our enthusiasm to get started, we made all the mistakes typical of new missionaries at least twice! We had come out eager to work for the Lord and discovered He was more interested in working in us to conform us to His image. The Filipinos are a very patient people, and we learned much from them.
I served in many capacities with the new board and seminary. I worked two and a half years as registrar and teacher at FEBIAS; I organized and directed the first language and orientation school for new missionaries for two years; I acted as vice-president and president of FEBIAS; I was director of the mission for seven years; I worked in church planting in the province and Metro Manila for sixteen and a half years. Together, Joan and I had the privilege of teaching, preaching, discipling, planting multiplying churches, and holding leadership and administrative roles. You name it--we did it. A missionary must be willing to be a jack-of-all-trades, a servant.