After four days on land and in various hospitals and ship infirmaries, I was sent to Guam on the SS Comfort, a hospital ship. This ship had been hit by a kamikaze plane on its return to Okinawa. At Guam I was able to lead a fellow soldier to Christ.
On Guam I fully expected the hard-nosed orthopedic doctor to return me to Okinawa since I could walk and breathe; however, when "Old Hard Nose" was out of the office, I was called in. Another doctor examined me, wrote on my chart, sealed it, and sent me back to my tent. A few days later, my name was called with others, and they hung a tag on my shirt that read, "SAN FRANCISCO."
The somber trip home traversed a beautiful, placid sea. Though there were 2200 Marines on board who had survived Iwo Jima, most of the trip passed quietly for me. Very little conversation took place as most of us sat by the rails reflecting on the horrors and realities of war. I was able to meditate on the goodness of God to me. I often read the Word and tried to discern what God was doing in my life.
During the trip, I wrote to Ralph Legant and mailed the letter in Hawaii. During a brief stay in Birmingham General Hospital in California, my letter to Ralph was returned to me with the word "DECEASED" stamped across it. I fell to my knees before God's throne asking the question, "Why, Lord? Ralph was going to serve you on the mission field!" Almost instantly God reminded me of His mercies to me and I asked, "Why did you spare me, Lord? What will you have me to do?"