How can I honor my husband of 63 years? We loved each other deeply and knew God brought us together to serve Him.
There were many adjustments when we married. Charles was from the South. I was from the North. He was a born optimist, very outgoing, friendly, talking to everyone, very happy, never knew a stranger. I was a shy introverted, melancholic. He was of German background, not too sensitive when we married. I was overly sensitive and dissolved into tears if he looked at me crossly.
God had to change us both to make us one. We learned that God had put us together to balance each other. We learned to appreciate the good things about one another and not concentrate on the other's faults. We each tried to focus on making the other happy, and in so doing found great happiness ourselves. We both strived to be more like Christ.
I had no problem with submission. It is a command of God and Charles was a godly leader, whom I greatly respected.
Charles had a passion for souls--for evangelism, discipleship, starting multiplying churches. We were privileged to do this for 36 years in the Philippines. Charles had fought in the U.S. Army to liberate the Philippines from Japan. Now he labored to liberate Filipinos from Satan and help prepare them for eternity with the Lord.
Charles trained many Filipino young men to serve the Lord. Several of these lived with us.
Our last years have been years of intercession. Charles suffered with Alzheimer’s his last five years but was never depressed or mean. He was sweet and thankful to the end and kept his humor.
Unsaved people at Walmart, the dollar store and the bank have cried over his death, exclaiming, "He was so sweet!" This is what Paul talked about in Ephesians 5:2. We are to be as Christ is, "a sweetsmelling savour to God."
He left a great legacy.
Joan Hufstetler (Wife)
December 29, 2009