Kennesaw houses The Little General, a famous locomotive that belonged to the South during the Civil War. Some Northerners, disguised as Southerners during the war, attempted to steal The Little General, but the Southerners caught up with them just south of Chattanooga, Tennessee . After rescuing the train, they returned it to Kennesaw, where it now stands as a historic monument.
Many vivid memories from my childhood linger with me. Most seem to center on times of danger out of which the Lord delivered me. For example, it seemed like we had many encounters with rabid dogs where we lived.
I was about a half mile from my grandmother Hufstetler's house where we had been visiting. On my way home, I heard a lot of yelling and soon learned there was a mad dog running loose. I saw the dog heading toward the house and ran as fast as I could.
Fortunately, the dog, hearing all the yelling, turned off the road and went behind the house, and I made it inside. We all stayed in the house for the rest of the day. When Dad arrived home he searched the area thoroughly and finally killed the dog in the cotton field across the road.
Another frightening experience of a different kind also stands out. My dad's brother, Luther, died in Canton, Ohio, in 1928, after having suffered severe consequences from having been gassed during World War I.
A hired driver took Dad, Mother, Uncle Grady, and me to the funeral. We started early in the morning, and it was evening before we reached the Ohio River. The old road was very high above the river and a bit curvy.
Suddenly, Dad grabbed the steering wheel and jerked it hard to the left. The driver had fallen asleep. If Dad had not been alert enough to turn the wheel, we would have gone over the edge and all been killed. If that had happened, Mother would probably be the only one in our family in Heaven today. I have thanked the Lord many times for His mercy.
Soon after this, Dad found a job in Rome, Georgia, with the Holland Furnace Company. This led us to move to an area about five miles north of Rome to what is now called Old Summerville Road.