On a side note--but not an unimportant one!--our first child, Jim, was born December 2, 1949, before we left for the Philippines, and our daughter, Charlene, came almost four years later on October 23, 1953, while we were there. We had prayed that the Lord might give us four or five children. Eventually, we realized God had chosen to give us only two, and we eagerly accepted our parenting roles.
Today, as I write this, Jim and his wife Galina and stepson Ilya, live with us in Greenville, S.C. Jim's other six children are scattered. Jim is active in his church, teaching a Sunday School class.
Charlene is married to Sam Waldron, a preacher and teacher in Owensboro, Kentucky. Charlene teaches middle school in their church school. We have thirteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. They all delight us!